
Our Faculty

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The Department of Marketing, which administers the MScMARK program, maintains high standards for teaching, research, and service to the academic community. MScMARK students learn from international faculty who lead the world in integrating academic and industry insights in the field of marketing.


Our faculty regularly receive recognition for their teachings, such as the HKUST Business School’s Dean’s Recognition for Excellence Teaching Performance and the Franklin Prize for Excellence in Teaching Awards. Members of our faculty have also won the HKUST Faculty Recognition Award, which recognizes outstanding research achievements in the previous academic year.


Thanks to faculty in the Department of Marketing, the HKUST Business School ranks first among all business schools in Asia in terms of its contributions to marketing research, according to the University of Texas at Dallas’s Top 100 Business School Marketing Research Rankings. From 2016 to 2020, the Department ranked 18th in the world based on the number of articles published in the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Consumer Research, and Marketing Science. Furthermore, many of our faculty are Scholars of the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), designating them as among the best marketing academics worldwide.

Service to the Academic Community

Many of the Department’s faculty members also serve the academic community by taking up leadership roles on behalf of top-tier journals in marketing, including the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Consumer Research, and Journal of Marketing. In addition, some faculty members serve on the editorial boards of other top journals in the field of marketing.

Prof. Jaideep SENGUPTA

Chair Professor, Synergis-Geoffrey YEH Professor of Business
Senior Fellow, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
(PhD, University of California, Los Angeles)

Research Interests:

Consumer information processing, Persuasion and attitude strength, Effects of marketing communications, Self-regulation and self-control

Prof. Joseph SALVACRUZ

Professor of Business Practice and Senior Lecturer
(PhD, University of Kentucky)

Research Interests:

Strategic marketing management, Food and agribusiness marketing, Branding, International marketing and business, Applied economics/ econometrics

Prof. Kristiaan HELSEN

MScMARK Academic Director
Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs
(PhD, University of Pennsylvania)

Research Interests:

International marketing, Marketing strategy, Empirical modeling of consumer and firm behavior