The Department of Marketing, which administers the MScMARK program, maintains high standards for teaching, research, and service to the academic community. MScMARK students learn from international faculty who lead the world in integrating academic and industry insights in the field of marketing.
Prof. Jiewen HONG
Head and Professor, Department of Marketing
(PhD, Northwestern University)
Research Interests:
Consumer information processing, Affect and consumer judgment, Subjective experience in consumer judgment
Prof. Jaideep SENGUPTA
Chair Professor, Synergis-Geoffrey YEH Professor of Business
Senior Fellow, HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
(PhD, University of California, Los Angeles)
Research Interests:
Consumer information processing, Persuasion and attitude strength, Effects of marketing communications, Self-regulation and self-control
Prof. Mengze SHI
Chair Professor, Yuk-Shee Chan Professor of Business
(PhD, MS Carnegie Mellon University)
Research Interests:
Sales and marketing innovation, Incentives and motivation, Customer relationship management
Chair Professor
Program Director of PhD/MPhil Programs
(PhD, Tilburg University)
Research Interests:
Bayesian data analysis, Eye movements, Pricing Strategies, Visual attention, Online marketing
Prof. Joseph SALVACRUZ
Professor of Business Practice and Senior Lecturer
(PhD, University of Kentucky)
Research Interests:
Strategic marketing management, Food and agribusiness marketing, Branding, International marketing and business, Applied economics/ econometrics
Prof. Kristiaan HELSEN
MScMARK Academic Director
Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs
(PhD, University of Pennsylvania)
Research Interests:
International marketing, Marketing strategy, Empirical modeling of consumer and firm behavior